Bollywood divas like Deepika Padukone, Sonam kapoor and other actors have successfully sported traditional Indian suits in their movies. Their secret lies in the style quotient and designers. Some of the best designers in the country employ their fullest expertise to conceptualize and design the bollywood suits. .
Manish Malhotra and Sabyasachi Mukherjee are among the most acclaimed bollywood suit designers. But then there are many more designers who create awesome costumes for the bollywood brigade. Recently bollywood people have accepted ethnic suits as trendy fashionable wear both on-screen and off-screen. Many of the bollywood beauties like Aishwariya Rai Bachchan, Kareena Kapoor and Karishma Kapoor are often seen sporting extremely well crafted salwar suits off screen.
The anarkali salwar suit is one of the favorite genres of salwar suits as sported in bollywood movies. Then again the Churidars are the traditional salwar suits, worn by scores of leading ladies. The Punjabi traditional patiala salwar suits are also worn greatly by the heroines. Bollywood salwar kameezes are made out of different kinds of materials. Different kinds of embroidery works are also tried upon the bollywood suits. They sport variety of color schemes and adventurous mix and match. Bollywood has matured in its choice of salwar suits. It has come a long way from the days of tight fitting salwar kameezes to the recent variety. Our leading ladies look pretty in all new kinds of salwar kameezes designed so painstakingly by the designers. The bollywood suit fashions are hugely popular among the masses.
Manish Malhotra and Sabyasachi Mukherjee are among the most acclaimed bollywood suit designers. But then there are many more designers who create awesome costumes for the bollywood brigade. Recently bollywood people have accepted ethnic suits as trendy fashionable wear both on-screen and off-screen. Many of the bollywood beauties like Aishwariya Rai Bachchan, Kareena Kapoor and Karishma Kapoor are often seen sporting extremely well crafted salwar suits off screen.
The anarkali salwar suit is one of the favorite genres of salwar suits as sported in bollywood movies. Then again the Churidars are the traditional salwar suits, worn by scores of leading ladies. The Punjabi traditional patiala salwar suits are also worn greatly by the heroines. Bollywood salwar kameezes are made out of different kinds of materials. Different kinds of embroidery works are also tried upon the bollywood suits. They sport variety of color schemes and adventurous mix and match. Bollywood has matured in its choice of salwar suits. It has come a long way from the days of tight fitting salwar kameezes to the recent variety. Our leading ladies look pretty in all new kinds of salwar kameezes designed so painstakingly by the designers. The bollywood suit fashions are hugely popular among the masses.