The contemporary salwar kameez is far removed from the traditional salwar kameez in fashion and design. The contemporary outfit follows the latest trends set by the fashion industry. The Bollywood film industry in India in many ways is a trendsetter. The salwar kameez that Bollywood actresses wear in movies are lapped up by their fans. Soon, a particular salwar kameez design made popular by a movie actress will be seen on the display windows of showrooms.
College going young girls in particular are fashion conscious and are the ones that go for contemporary salwar kameez. Chiffons are in great demand in the summers, and so is cotton. Most contemporary salwar kameez may not have the traditional hem. The hem may be cut diagonally or given a non-traditional shape. Lighter shades including pastels in georgettes are contemporary. Prints and checks in fawn, pink, and yellow make a cool collection of contemporary outfits.
College going young girls in particular are fashion conscious and are the ones that go for contemporary salwar kameez. Chiffons are in great demand in the summers, and so is cotton. Most contemporary salwar kameez may not have the traditional hem. The hem may be cut diagonally or given a non-traditional shape. Lighter shades including pastels in georgettes are contemporary. Prints and checks in fawn, pink, and yellow make a cool collection of contemporary outfits.